Cobi games



The game requires you to measure in centimeters and a have several six-sided dice (we will refer to as D6).

Divide the COBI models in two sides (or teams). Place them out on opposing edges of a mutually agreed upon battlefield (kitchen table, hardwood floors in the living room, the lawn in the garden, etc.).  Place various obstacles that imitate buildings, roads, rivers, hills, forests, and any other features. Move both sides on to the edge of the battlefield.

Players make a die roll to decide who plays which side. The player who roll highest on a D6 chooses his side and starts the game. They have the initiative.

The first player can perform an action with one of their vehicles (move or shot) or do nothing and give the initiative to the enemy. When both players have had a chance to take an action, the round is over and you must again roll for the initiative.

Vehicle or gun
1Move Forward
2Move Backward
3Turn 45 up to degrees
4Move in Rough
5Only on Road
6Gun to Hit
7Reload die Roll
9Damage HE Modifier (HE Template)
10Front armor
11Side armor
12Rear armor
13Top armor
14Damage to Destroy Target
15Damage to Destroy Gun
16Damage to Weaken Target
17Damage to Immobilize Target
20Special rules


Each of the vehicles can move forward the distance (in centimeters), that is written in section (1) on the relevant information table. The vehicle can reverse by as many cm as written in section (2). During the move turning costs as many cm as written in section (3) (this value must be deducted from the range of motion forward or reverse range). If the vehicle is travelling on the difficult ground (pile of rubble, marsh, river, etc.), then you must subtract the value of the point (4). If the vehicle is travelling only on a road surface, add the number of cm in point (5).

Example: The tank model #2464 Sherman M4A1 can move 22 cm forward (1). In a straight line (without turning), it can move 10 cm in reverse (2). Turning in either direction up to 45⁰ requires a loss of 5 cm (3). While navigating over any rough terrain it requires a loss of 5 cm (4). If the tank moved along a road all way, the range increases by 10 cm (5).

Example: moving the vehicle will result in a loss of range of motion for each turn of 45⁰. Sample route: #2464 tank Sherman M4A1 usually consists of several stages. The Vehicle moves 6 cm to the front, then turns 90⁰ losing the 10 cm range (5 cm for each rotation of 45⁰, a total of two times after 5 cm), which is two times as much as it specifies the point (3). If he wanted to turn back or turn 180⁰ it would lose as many as 20 cm of motion range (four rotations of about 45⁰, 5 cm range loss each).

Example: Forward motion (range) = 22 cm = forward movement cost 6 cm, turn 90⁰ -10 cm (2 x 5 cm), this leaves 6 cm to move unless the move is over any difficult ground which will lose 5 cm range additionally leaving only 1 cm (6-5 = 1).

Example: When moving only along a road, you will usually get an additional 10 cm range (5). You must follow the road but only pay for turns at junctions (if you must turn to stay on the road or go straight at a junction you do not pay the 5 cm (3).


Instead of moving, the player can decide that the vehicle will fire its guns. You can only shoot at another vehicle that is visible. It does not have to be entirely visible but no more than half of it hidden (for example: behind the building or a hill, forest, etc.). The gun must point at the target. You may rotate a turret by up to 90⁰ or turn 10⁰ for tank destroyers and assault guns. 

To shoot the enemy, throw one dice. If the result is within the range specified on the card of the firing vehicle at a point (6), the shot has hit. If the result of the die roll is less than the value in point (6) the shot has missed.

If the shot hit. Then you should check the inflicted damage. The firing player roles 1 ( D6+)

That is a six-sided dice with the result of six giving the chance to roll again to try and score 7 by rolling another six. If it is successful you may continue to role adding one to the score for each six you role. Once you fail to role six you stop. This score is added to the damage value in point (8) to provide a total damage.

Examples of D6 +

A 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 5 = 7

A 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 4 = 8

A 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 6 followed by a 5 =9, and so on

The Target now roles a (D6+) in the same way. And then adds this to the relevant armor value, Front point (10), Side point (11), Back point (12). This is the value of the armor.

After subtracting of the value of the armor from the total damage, we get the result of the hit. If the result of the hit is higher or equal to the value in point (14), this target is destroyed and cannot take further part in the battle.

If the result of the hit is equal to the point (15) on the card, the target is damaged, and any further hit will destroy it. 

If the result of the hit is equal to the point (16) on the card, the target loses its biggest gun and may only fire with its secondary gun if it has one. The target is damaged and any further hit will destroy it. 

If the result of the hit is equal to the point (17) on the card, the vehicle is immobilized. It can shoot but can’t move. 

Example: #2464 tank Sherman M4A1 shooting at a German medium tank #2508 Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. (H) Shot in his front armor, which is 6 points (given in point (10) on its card).

The Sherman M4A1 Checks point (6) on his card he needs to role 3 or more on a D6

he scores 5 which is a hit. 

The Sherman M4A1 Checks point (8) which is 9 and adds a D6+ to this.

He roles a 6 followed by a 6 and then a 3 for a total of 7 

he adds 7 to 9 = 16 total damage

The Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. (H) Checks point (10) which is 6 and adds a D6+ to this.

He roles a 4, he adds 4 to 6 = 10 value of the armor.

Total damage 16 –  value of the armor 10 = 6

Hits 6 is higher than 4, which is, the value at the point (14) on the  Pz. Kpfw. IV card, and therefore the target was destroyed.

The game winner is the player who would destroy or disable all enemy vehicles.

If you do not understand some of the rules or want to change them, and your opponent agrees, then do it! Also, remember not to try to win at all costs and do not cheat. Doing so will ensure fun for all of its participants!

If you can master all the rules of the game from easy and you decide that you need more realism to the game and bigger challenges, see the expanded rules for more difficult play. You can find them on our website: